教师 Expectations Statement

What We Expect of 学生:

    •    出席 - 学生 are expected to consistently attend class, arrive to class on time, stay for the entire class, and to let instructors know when this will not be the case.
    •    准备 - 学生 are expected to put in the necessary work outside of class (reading, 看视频, practice problems) to be prepared for class.  
    •    参与 – 学生 are expected to contribute regularly and meaningfully, as the course structure allows.
    •    学术诚实 - 学生 are expected to be aware of and uphold the BGSU Academic Code of Conduct.
    •    Professional Etiquette/Manners - 学生 are expected to behave in a manner that enhances the learning or skill development of themselves and others.
    •    订婚 – 学生 are expected to be actively involved outside of the classroom (community service, extracurricular clubs, 实习), in order to discover and nurture their passion.

What 学生 Can Expect of Us:   

    •    沟通 – 学生 can expect faculty to clearly describe specific expected behavior, 课程政策, due dates of assignments, the criteria on which they will be graded, and any changes to the course.
    •    准备 and Organization – 学生 can expect faculty to be well-prepared for class activities, and maintain sufficient organization for the functionality of the course.
    •    反馈 – 学生 can expect faculty to provide feedback, either through reasonably prompt graded assignments, or written and oral comments.
    •    专业知识 - 学生 can expect faculty to be well-qualified and passionate about the subject they teach, and to provide real-world applications of material when appropriate.
    •    可访问性 – 学生 can expect faculty to hold regular office hours, and to reply to email and discussion boards within a few days’ time.  教师 will try to learn student names, and will generally be cordial to students outside the classroom.
    •    尊重 – 学生 can expect the faculty to respect their privacy, and to avoid denigrating the student when circumstances cause the student’s performance to be less than optimal.

Updated: 12/01/2017 11:03PM